Simple Changes #53

Encourage your staff to sign up for and use their free library card, providing accessible information on what the library offer



The number of library members has recently fallen from 1.49 million to 1.44 million in Wales. Libraries now often act as community hubs; hosting choirs, family activities, computer classes and social events


Simple Change

By encouraging staff to sign up to their local library and become familiar with the offer available to them there, you are ensuring that people are aware of the opportunities available, so that they can make the most of them in a way that suits their lives and help contribute to their well-being both in and out of work.

Case Study

Who is doing this?

Case Study

Carmarthenshire Libraries

A library is often thought of as just a place to borrow books. However, Carmarthenshire libraries are proof that this isn’t the case, providing spaces for choir practice, digital training and even music production.

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More Information about: Encourage your staff to sign up for and use their free library card, providing accessible information on what the library offer

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A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language

A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language,

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A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language

A society that promotes and protects culture, heritage and the Welsh language, and which encourages people to participate in the arts, sports and recreation

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

A Wales of Cohesive Communities,

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A Wales of Cohesive Communities

Attractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities