Simple Changes #39

Have initiatives to recruit people from groups that are under-represented in your workforce



The employment gap between employed white adults and employed ethnic minority adults in 2017 was 13 per cent.


Simple Change

Statutory reporting on workplace demographics will reveal which groups are under-represented. There are then a number of actions you can take, or initiatives you can develop, to reach out to under-represented groups, such as: having a presence at recruitment events, offering apprenticeships, work placements or wider training opportunities. This will ensure that your organisation reflects the diversity of your community and provides better services for everyone.

Well-being goals you’ve contributed to

A More Equal Wales

A More Equal Wales,

You have earned...

A More Equal Wales

A society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socio economic circumstances)

A Prosperous Wales

A Prosperous Wales,

You have earned...

A Prosperous Wales

An innovative, productive and low carbon society which recognises the limits of the global environment and therefore uses resources efficiently and proportionately (including acting on climate change); and which develops a skilled and well-educated population in an economy which generates wealth and provides employment opportunities, allowing people to take advantage of the wealth generated through securing decent work.

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

A Wales of Cohesive Communities,

You have earned...

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

Attractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities