Simple Changes #55

Promote opportunities for older people to engage in culture, through the Gwanwyn Festival.



Statistics show that older people in Wales find it more difficult than younger people to access cultural or recreational facilities. Age Cymru facilitates the annual Gwanwyn Festival, running throughout May, to encourage as many older people as possible take part in creative activities across Wales. 89% of participants reported benefit to their well-being as a result of attending a Gwanwyn event.


Simple Change

By promoting opportunities for older people to take part or experience this festival in their local community and beyond, you are helping to ensure that older people in Wales have the opportunity to celebrate their creativity and be a part of something that might help shape their lives for the rest of the year.

Well-being goals you’ve contributed to

A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language

A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language,

You have earned...

A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language

A society that promotes and protects culture, heritage and the Welsh language, and which encourages people to participate in the arts, sports and recreation

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

A Wales of Cohesive Communities,

You have earned...

A Wales of Cohesive Communities

Attractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities

A Healthier Wales

A Healthier Wales,

You have earned...

A Healthier Wales

A society in which people’s physical and mental well-being is maximised and in which choices and behaviours that benefit future health are understood