Simple Changes #66
Review your approach to refugees and asylum seekers and play your part in Wales becoming a Nation of Sanctuary
The World Health Organisation describe climate change as ‘among the greatest health risks of the 21st century’, with an increasing impact on disease control, migration, clean water supplies and stark gender and social inequalities as the situations worsen. A globally responsible nation welcomes its fair share of refugees who may have been displaced due to climate change or war.
Simple Change
By working in partnerships with others from all faiths and backgrounds, you can create a peaceful future. Your policies should include action to: increase awareness of refugee and asylum issues and provide integration support for asylum seekers in your areas.
Well-being goals you’ve contributed to
A Globally Responsible Wales
You have earned...
A Globally Responsible Wales
A nation which, when doing anything to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, takes account of whether doing such a thing may make a positive contribution to global well-being
A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language
You have earned...
A Wales of Vibrant Culture & Thriving Welsh Language
A society that promotes and protects culture, heritage and the Welsh language, and which encourages people to participate in the arts, sports and recreation
A Wales of Cohesive Communities
You have earned...
A Wales of Cohesive Communities
Attractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities