Simple Changes #80
Carry out a ‘you said, we did’ exercise
In 2014/15, 20% of people in Wales agreed that they can influence decisions affecting their local area, compared with 24% in 2012/13. When people don’t feel involved in a service, they are less likely to feel a sense of belonging or ownership. However if they voice their opinion on an issue but do not see or understand whether they have influenced any change, they may feel disempowered and tokenistic.
Simple Change
By carrying out a ‘you said, we did’ exercise, you are demonstrating that you are listening to what people have to say by publicising people‘s comments, suggestions and feedback. It is important that changes are then made as a result of that involvement and that those changes are communicated to the public.
Case Study
Who is doing this?
You Said, We Did
Well-being goals you’ve contributed to
You have earned...
A More Equal Wales
You have earned...
A More Equal Wales
A society that enables people to fulfil their potential no matter what their background or circumstances (including their socio economic circumstances)
A Wales of Cohesive Communities
You have earned...
A Wales of Cohesive Communities
Attractive, viable, safe and well-connected communities