Simple Changes #13
Use peat-free compost in planting schemes across cities, towns and villages
Peat bogs provide a home for specialist wildlife and plants that depend on this rare habitat for their survival. They take thousands of years to form but can be destroyed in just a few years, and now 80% of British peatlands are in a poor condition due to peat extraction, poor management and forestry planting. This is a problem, not only in terms of biodiversity but also for mitigating climate change, as peat bogs act as huge stores for carbon as well as rainwater.
Simple Change
By using peat-free compost in your planting schemes, less peat bogs will be drained, and you will be preventing carbon being released back into the atmosphere whilst helping to protect the communities in valleys below from flooding
Well-being goals you’ve contributed to
A Resilient Wales
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A Resilient Wales
A nation which maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems that support social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change (for example climate change)
A Healthier Wales
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A Healthier Wales
A society in which people’s physical and mental well-being is maximised and in which choices and behaviours that benefit future health are understood
A Globally Responsible Wales
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A Globally Responsible Wales
A nation which, when doing anything to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, takes account of whether doing such a thing may make a positive contribution to global well-being