Welsh Government
I work closely with Welsh Government on my international work.
This includes regular meetings with the Minister for International Relations and her teams. I am pleased to see the focus within the Government’s International Strategy on the Well-being of Future Generations Act. We are currently in discussion with Government on how we can work better together to achieve the outcomes within the Strategy. In partnership with Welsh Government we held an event in Berlin in March 2020 to discuss the legislation and how Germany are approaching well-being and sustainability.
In 2019, my office worked closely with colleagues in Welsh Government to prepare a Welsh response to the UK National Voluntary Review as part of the UK Government’s reporting to the United Nations on their progress against the UN Sustainable Development Goals. You can find the UK’s submission here.
In partnership with Welsh Government we held two Stakeholder Summits in January 2019 to listen to what organisations, public bodies, businesses and charities in Wales were doing to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The National Well-being Goals are mapped against the UN SDGs and can be viewed here. On the 16th July, the Welsh Government published the UK voluntary national review: Welsh supplementary report 2019 which reports on the UK’s progress towards the United Nations sustainable development goals 2030.