Implementation and Impact
We will make it our mission to ensure the Well-being of Future Generations Act is applied effectively and with ambition in a way that improves the lives of the people of Wales now and in the future.
The Act is unique in the ambition it sets for Wales and is inspiring others across the globe, with the United Nations stating, “what Wales does today, the World will do tomorrow”.
But despite increasing good practice, it is not being implemented at the pace and scale needed.
Our mission is to ensure the implementation of this legislation fully lives up to its potential, to close the gap between aspiration and delivery. This is our core mission and underpins everything we do.
It means building on what has come before and going further, ensuring public bodies are fully supported to use the Act, with ambition, to drive change. When that’s not happening, we’ll call it out.
Implementation and Impact Theory of Change |
We will make it our mission to ensure the Well-being of Future Generations Act is applied effectively and with ambition in a way that improves the lives of the people of Wales now and in the future. |
Need |
The Well-being of Future Generations Act is not being implemented at the pace and scale needed.
The sustainable development principle and five ways of working are not consistently applied; and there is variation in the quality of well-being objectives set by public bodies and Public Services Boards. |
Activity |
1. Tailor existing resources and training and publish new tools that provide support.
2. Expand our Future Generations Leadership Academy and international programme to facilitate learning exchanges between public bodies, global policymakers, and others. 3. Be a focal point for long-term thinking and expertise. 4. Ensure public bodies and Public Services Boards produce and use well-being objectives that work for the long term and drive real progress towards Wales’ well-being goals. 5. Work with others, including Audit Wales, to develop an effective monitoring system to track progress on well-being objectives. |
Outcomes |
Public bodies and Public Services Boards are maximising their contribution to the Goals through their well-being objectives.
Public bodies have a greater understanding and confidence in delivering long-term approaches and the WFG Act. Public bodies and Public Services Boards are aware of what good looks like in applying the WFG Act effectively and with ambition. More people, of all ages, are advocating for long-term approaches and for the interests of future generations. |
Impact |
The outcomes for people in Wales have improved as measured by the 50 national well-being indicators and milestones.
Wales is a resilient, low carbon society with fair work; more equal, healthier, and globally responsible; with cohesive communities, a thriving culture and vibrant Welsh language. |
Our Missions:
Further resources and information:
- Providing advice and assistance to public bodies and PSBs
- Future Generations Report 2020 chapter on Leadership and implementation of the Act by public bodies
- Future Generations Report 2020 chapter on Leadership and implementation of the Act by Welsh Government
- Case studies from across Wales