The Art of the Possible

What is Art of the Possible?

The 'Art of the Possible' was one of the Commissioner's main programmes of work. It was a partnership approach to shining a light on great work that is improving well-being in communities across Wales. It has set out a positive vision of what a 'possible' Wales could look like if public bodies respond to the opportunities that the legislation provides to make better decisions for future generations.


Each journey contains several topics that are relevant to that well-being goal, many of which also links to other goals. Under each topic ‘steps’ toward change are set out: these are the actions that public bodies and other organisations should be taking on their journey to meeting the well-being goals.

How does it work?

There were a team of 8 conveners, 7 leading on one of the 7 well-being goals and 1 leading on involvement, which is one of the ways of working included in the legislation. Each of these conveners worked jointly for the Commissioner and for another organisation.


The Art of the Possible

The Team

The Art of the Possible,

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