Simple Changes #16
Provide ‘biodiversity / green infrastructure’ learning for staff across ALL Departments
Green Infrastructure is the most simple, elegant and effective way to alleviate multiple social, economic and environmental challenges and complements existing urban infrastructure. There is still a widespread lack of awareness of the importance of biodiversity.
Simple Change
By supporting all staff to participate and understand these issues, you will be helping to embed knowledge and awareness throughout decision-making at all levels and in all areas of work, so that plans, policies and developments deliver more public benefit than would otherwise be possible through traditional, ‘business-as-usual’ methods.
Case Study
Who is doing this?
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Natural Resources Wales embarked on an organisation-wide training programme around SMNR (Sustainable Management of Natural Resources) in September 2017 and have just run the 58th course, with a view to training all staff within the organisation by February 2019.

The course is mandatory for all staff, from the legal teams, HR and Procurement to their Flood teams, Operatives and Permitting Teams with attendance very much encouraged by line managers, senior managers as well as the Executive Team. The training team now find that staff who have attended the training have found it so beneficial to their day-to-day work that they are encouraging their colleagues to attend. As the training is delivered internally, the trainers can use real-life projects and examples from the attendees to illustrate how they can effectively enhance their work through considering the 9 SMNR principles, these principles reflect and embed the Well-being of Future Generations Act ways of working. By involving all staff from across the organisation, the learning builds on the collective knowledge and experience of participants and looks to share it with others. During the course, teams that may never have met, or worked together previously, are realising how their roles overlap and that by working collaboratively they could have alleviated some problems at the start of a project.
At NRW’s very first Team NRW Day 24th October, the SMNR training team were awarded the first ever Team NRW Champion award.
"The true story of success sits with the three members of the team who have been dedicated to delivering a consistently high-quality product through challenging times"
Siân Hughes | Advisor Embedding Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Wales
Well-being goals you’ve contributed to
A Resilient Wales
You have earned...
A Resilient Wales
A nation which maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems that support social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change (for example climate change)